Flower Power

Earlier this year I was brave enough to do something completely out of my comfort zone and it helped that it was done with a great friend who’s an amazing photographer!

For the past few years, I have struggled with how my body has changed since having a diagnosis of Endometriosis and being on contraception. I constantly look and feel bloated, and even if people tell me I don’t, I know I do. Looking back on these pictures it’s funny how even though I love them certain one’s I can pinpoint the parts of me I dislike, like my side angle, my belly and my arms. But at the same time, I also see that I’m beautiful and everyone’s body is completely different. We aren’t meant to be the instagramable, filtered flat stomach and toned people that social media expects everyone to be. Instead, we are who we are and being able to show that is so much more important.

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